Friday, March 24, 2017

Prototyping an open education project

This challenge consisted on completing a template concerning the design of an open education project. To begin with, I was provided with a template to design my prototype. This template that I am going to show you at the end of the post, contains the coming parts:

- The title
- The level
- The number of sessions
- The areas covered
- The teacher’s and student’s role
- The aims
- The 4 Cs of CLIL
- The competences
- The assessment criteria
- The skills
- The resources
- The setting
- The challenges

 I have chosen the topic of the weather and the climate, as I'm fond of it, besides, during my internship I was able to deliver the lessons concerning it. Due to the fact that I worked with fourth-graders, I decided to plan this education project for fourth-graders, too.

 As far as the sessions are concerned, I have deemed around 13 sessions, since there are several contents to work with, and some of the challenges will require more than one session to be overcome.

 As for completing the 4Cs of CLIL, I have to say that I had to mull it over, until I came up with an idea of what I wanted my students to focus on. Actually, I had some doubts concerning the vocabulary content and the linguistic content. Furthermore, as it is a CLIL project, I have several cross-curricular links with the content in mind .

 Regarding the assessment criteria, I’m of the opinion that as teachers, creating rubrics to gauge our students for each challenge is going to be demanding, as apart from taking into account the evaluation standards, we have to go further and decide what is going to be taken into consideration when gauging the created artefacts. However, thanks to what I learned while assessing an open education project by Cedec, I’m going to be guided.

 Finally, as for the challenges, I wanted to cover the majority of them, but giving it a second thought, I decided to be realistic and select the ones that best suited my project. What I know for sure is that I would encourage my students to reflect on a learning diary about their learning. I like the fact that it is a prototype, so it can be modified, since it is difficult to plan all the project from your own ideas, without developing and monitoring it.

 Now, let’s move on to the creation of the document and the video to explain the template.

 Firstly, what I did was upload the template to Issuu. I have used this tool, since I am accustomed to using google drive, which I find fantastic, to share and create collaborative documents; nevertheless, I wanted to try new tools and for this reason I have chosen Issuu. I was registered in a second and I chose the free plan. After that, I only had to upload my pdf, and add a description. What I like of this tool is the fact that it presents the document as a book, turning its pages.

 Secondly, I created a video. Because of the fact that I wanted to try new tools, I chose Wideo, the problem was that I had recorded a video and this application didn’t allow me to embed videos in the slides, therefore, I had to go for another one. I was practising with Magisto, but finally, I ruled it out and I went for Powtoon to create the intro of the video, and then Youtube Editor, to create the final one with small videos and screenshots of the open education template. I haven’t used this tool before, and I have to say that it was extremely manageable, so I definitely recommend it.

 Here you have the video and the template.

 Please, don't hesitate to give me your feedback to improve.

 Thanks !


  1. Hello Lucía!! I like how you have linked this topic to other areas, it is great that you can work on the same topic from different perspectives.
    Moreover, your learning aims are very adequate for 4th graders as well as the 4 C´s of CLIL that you took into account. I think that choosing an adequate level of language learning is fundamental for students. Besides, your educational project covers every competence and skill and that makes it to be very complete.
    Regarding the methodology and assessment, I think that observation is a very good manner of evaluating because by this way you can see the process of each child and not only the final result. I love your methodology of creating groups in order to work on cooperative learning and giving them responsibilities.
    Good job!!

  2. Hello Lucía. As I can see, your prototype is very complete, but I would like to see the lessons and activities in order to have a clearer idea about it. Anyway, you are a hard-working girl. Congrats!

  3. Good job, Lucía! I enjoy your prototype since it is very complete (as Carmen has already mention). Your key competences are great and it is a good idea to create a cross-curricular unit! Although I consider that 13 lessons are too much for Primary students (it's just my point of view!!).
    But, I can see that you have spent a lot of hours creating your prototype project.

    Fantastic job!

  4. Thanks girls !

    Concerning what Carmen said, I explained the final outcome and I ticked the kinds of activities that students will have to overcome in the missions, as I am thinking long and hard about the tasks that one mision will require, because maybe some require a couple of tasks.

    As for what Ana said, I was mulling it over, since there are lots of contents to work and since I will do several cross-curricular links I thought that to ensure that students acquire the knowledge and overcome the missions, they need a considerable number of sessions.
    But, yeah maybe I got carried away, I will see when I develop the project in depth, maybe I have to reduce it.

    Thanks for your feedback :)

  5. I really enjoyed your post, Lucia! Your open educational project is clearly organized and structured. Moreover it is realistic and motivating as the pupils will overcome missions individually, in pairs and groups! Furthermore, you were very detailed with the vocabulary and language used throughout the sessions! I could understand even better your prototype through your awesome video, in which you explained thoroughly every section of the template you provided. The dissemination means were clearly specified and I am pretty sure they would motivate your students!
    I hope you can share more of your ideas in your future posts!
    Great job!!^^

  6. Hi Lucia! Your post explains the main features of your educational project very clearly. It seems to me that you have covered all the points. Additionally, I would say that this project will engage students since it is a interesting topic for students of that age. Well done!

  7. I have really enjoyed reading your post Lucia. Your presentation video is very complete and organized. It shows you have made several efforts to do it; but you have achieved it. Congratulations!

  8. I like your post and I think your idea is so innovative and easy to develop! Congratulations for such a good job
