Friday, March 24, 2017

Prototyping an open education project

This challenge consisted on completing a template concerning the design of an open education project. To begin with, I was provided with a template to design my prototype. This template that I am going to show you at the end of the post, contains the coming parts:

- The title
- The level
- The number of sessions
- The areas covered
- The teacher’s and student’s role
- The aims
- The 4 Cs of CLIL
- The competences
- The assessment criteria
- The skills
- The resources
- The setting
- The challenges

 I have chosen the topic of the weather and the climate, as I'm fond of it, besides, during my internship I was able to deliver the lessons concerning it. Due to the fact that I worked with fourth-graders, I decided to plan this education project for fourth-graders, too.

 As far as the sessions are concerned, I have deemed around 13 sessions, since there are several contents to work with, and some of the challenges will require more than one session to be overcome.

 As for completing the 4Cs of CLIL, I have to say that I had to mull it over, until I came up with an idea of what I wanted my students to focus on. Actually, I had some doubts concerning the vocabulary content and the linguistic content. Furthermore, as it is a CLIL project, I have several cross-curricular links with the content in mind .

 Regarding the assessment criteria, I’m of the opinion that as teachers, creating rubrics to gauge our students for each challenge is going to be demanding, as apart from taking into account the evaluation standards, we have to go further and decide what is going to be taken into consideration when gauging the created artefacts. However, thanks to what I learned while assessing an open education project by Cedec, I’m going to be guided.

 Finally, as for the challenges, I wanted to cover the majority of them, but giving it a second thought, I decided to be realistic and select the ones that best suited my project. What I know for sure is that I would encourage my students to reflect on a learning diary about their learning. I like the fact that it is a prototype, so it can be modified, since it is difficult to plan all the project from your own ideas, without developing and monitoring it.

 Now, let’s move on to the creation of the document and the video to explain the template.

 Firstly, what I did was upload the template to Issuu. I have used this tool, since I am accustomed to using google drive, which I find fantastic, to share and create collaborative documents; nevertheless, I wanted to try new tools and for this reason I have chosen Issuu. I was registered in a second and I chose the free plan. After that, I only had to upload my pdf, and add a description. What I like of this tool is the fact that it presents the document as a book, turning its pages.

 Secondly, I created a video. Because of the fact that I wanted to try new tools, I chose Wideo, the problem was that I had recorded a video and this application didn’t allow me to embed videos in the slides, therefore, I had to go for another one. I was practising with Magisto, but finally, I ruled it out and I went for Powtoon to create the intro of the video, and then Youtube Editor, to create the final one with small videos and screenshots of the open education template. I haven’t used this tool before, and I have to say that it was extremely manageable, so I definitely recommend it.

 Here you have the video and the template.

 Please, don't hesitate to give me your feedback to improve.

 Thanks !

Monday, March 20, 2017

The CLIL private detective

This time, I have analysed and assessed an open educational project, from "English in my daily life", a project designed to work on the English contents for the first grade of secondary education. This project has been created by CEDEC (Centro Nacional de Desarrollo Curricular en Sistemas no Propietarios).

In so doing, I have made use of a checklist with the essential elements to be a Gold Standard PBL

The chosen project “My town” focuses on a particular content, as its name indicates. Moreover, since this project aims at teaching English, it is engrossed in practising the following aspects of the curriculum.

Prepositions of place.
Asking for directions and giving directions.
Vocabulary concerning different places of the city.
Comparative adjectives.
Describing a city.

This project consists of 5 missions and a final challenge that are detailed below.

As far as the first mission is concerned -  breaking the ice -  students are provided with a video regarding New York City, and a thinking routine to be completed whilst watching it. I am utterly fond of the thinking routine sheet, since sometimes, when students are asked to reflect on a video, they say what they come up with, without mulling it over and structuring it. This thinking routine sheet contains 3 columns: I view, I think and I wonder - which lead to a deeper reflection and critical thinking.  After completing this stage of the mission, students are bound to pay attention to the comparative adjectives, by writing 5 sentences comparing their town to New York.
In this mission, students will work on their listening and writing skills. Furthermore, they will work on their self-reflecting skills in their learning diary, after finishing the mission, which will enhance their self-evaluation skills, too.

Moving on to the next mission -working the maps- students will work on both writing and speaking skills, as they have to overcome the challenge of sorting out several questions and a cross-word about a New York’s map. Immediately, they will carry out a role play in pairs, in which one will be a tourist with the map and the other a citizen of Madrid, and the tourist has to ask for directions since he is lost, while the citizen has to indicate him correctly, taking into consideration that they have to greet themselves and then say good bye. I’m of the opinion that this kind of activity is extremely appealing, since it has a real context and it is authentic; therefore, it will be more meaningful and they will use it when travelling abroad or giving directions to a tourist here in Madrid. As a result, they will work on real problem-solving skills, and also self-management skills when elaborating the video.
Then, they will record it and edit it, by using the Wevideo tool, which I discovered when browsing this project, by the way. The fact that they have to record themselves will lead to a deeper preparation and rehearsal. Consequently, they will review the grammar point concerning preposition of places, and will interiorize them in a laid-back way. Lastly, they will publish their video alongside their learning experiences, on their learning diary.

As for the following mission - what you can find in a city- apart from reviewing the important places in a city, they will train their listening skills, as they are going to listen to a podcast concerning travel arrangements. After that, students will put into practise their speaking skills, due to the fact that they will pair up and create a presentation about important places in a city; closing their mission by writing their learning reflection in the learning diary.

Moving on the coming mission - Liverpool on a flyer - students will read a flyer about Liverpool, and carry out a series of reading comprehension activities, whilst they learn about the features of a flyer, something that is authentic.The comprehension activities hail from the British Council, which is a flabbergasting source. Consequently, pupils will have to create a flyer promoting their own town, which is going to help them practise their writing skills, as well as, collaborate with a partner. They will use the Poster My Wall tool. Finally, they will post it in their portfolio to reflect on their learning.

In the following mission - my town is the best - students are going to develop higher-order thinking skills (HOTS), since they are going to create a mind map, based on their learning about pointing out good features about the city, being their city the main knot. After that, pupils will work on their writing skills, due to the fact that they will create an explanatory/ informative text concerning the good sides of living in their city. To finish the mission they will have to go to the learning diary and think about their learning process, alongside posting the collaborative explanatory text.

Last but not least, students are going to overcome the final challenge: creating a promotional video of their town, which is bound to help them enhance their writing and oral skills. In so doing, they will make use of the Storyboard That tool to create digital storytelling, as well as Wevideo to edit it. Then, they will create a complete portfolio and include what they have learned and the artifact (the video); therefore, they will make the final product public. Finally, students will reflect on their learning diary, by conducting a self-assessment, with which they will practice higher-order thinking skills by answering a survey, as well as answering questions.

I am elated with this project, since I find it utterly interesting, useful, meaningful, authentic, engaging and creative. Moreover, it also provides us with the didactic guidelines, explaining the missions, the assessment, the timing, the resources, a mind map of the project, the content, the learning standards, and a glossary. I extremely appreciate the inclusion of the didactic guidelines, since it really helps us understand a CLIL project and serves us as a guide to create our own CLIL projects.

I would like to highlight the range of rubrics that the project contains for students to assess the different missions. I find them extremely important, since students are not accustomed to self-assessing, and it is a thinking skill that we have to encourage them to work on.

Students are also encouraged to reflect on their learning process, something that I find utterly important, since they become aware of their learning. Throughout their learning process, they will develop a sustained inquiry that they will answer by themlselves, as long as they overcome the missions.

Furthermore, I am fond of collaborative work, and this project urge students to work in pairs, which is important so as to handle management issues.

Finally, the project as a whole catches the students’ attention, as it uses both English and ICT in a useful and appealing way, and also enables students to make their own decisions when overcoming the tasks to complete the missions.

Here you have the link to look at the project:
I have created a Genially to present you this project, as well as a PowerPoint presentation to complete it.
This was the first time I used Genially and I have to say that it is quite attractive and it enables you to create interactive presentations.

Hope you enjoy it !

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Do you feel like being a journalist?

I'm elated writing my first post in the learning diary, in which I am going to present you a flipped introduction of the teacher, Marina Sánchez Amores.

 I have enjoyed this challenge quite a lot, since I'm fond of elaborating interviews. Because of me not being updated on different tools to edit videos and create presentations, I decided to look for the ones I have never used before. So, off I went, and browsing the ones suggested by my teacher, I found Magisto. I dug for it. Later, I found Pearltrees, which is a tool to curate and organize digital artifacts and also upload your own photos along other archives; therefore, I keep on my search. Then, I found Tellagami, which is a tool to create animated presentations. It drew my attention, so I downloaded the free version, but I wasn't able to carry out my idea; therefore, I went for the Powtoon tool, as I wanted to create cartoons. I found it extremely appealing. At the beginning, it took me a bit of time to figure out the management of its features, but eventually, I managed to create the presentation. The process that I followed was the following one:

- Opening a google drive document to elaborate the interview.
- Recording the interview with a mobile phone.
- Signing in in PowToon.
- Choosing the look of the story and its design.
- Creating the slides. Firstly, I took a photo of my desk to use it as the background. Then, I inserted the character, the microphone, the text, the image and the speech bubble. Finally, I inserted the audio.
- Exporting the presentation to my YouTube channel.

I thoroughly recommend you PowToon, as it is attractive for primary students and we can use it to deliver our CLIL lessons, with both visual and auditory support. Besides, we can use it as an exercise at the beginning of the course, to get to know each other. You could form pairs according to shoe size, and they could ask 3 things they should know about their peers, 2 things about their hobbies and one question about their ideal job. As a result, each student will know more about his/her peers, and it will be absolutely enjoyable.

Below the video, you have a tapescript of this flipped introduction !

Hope you enjoyed it !

See you later, collaborator !